Forum Discussion

EllenSpertus's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Can't get second video to play

I have two videos on one Storyline 360 slide:

  • Video 1, created in Storyline, which plays when the slide starts
  • Video 2, which was created in Reply and appears on the timeline at 85 seconds

I have tried 3 different When clauses to trigger Video 2 to play:

  • When timeline reaches Video 2
  • When timeline reaches Cue point 10 (which is at about 85 seconds)
  • When Video 1 completes

While the initial frame of Video 2 is displayed, the video does not start.

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you.


  • I think you need to SELECT on video 2 (in your timeline) and then click VIDEO OPTIONS (for this specific video) at the top of your screen on the ribbon.  Change the PLAY VIDEO from AUTOMATICALLY, to WHEN TRIGGERED.

    What (I think) is happening is video 2 is playing behind video 1 when the timeline starts and you can't see it.

  • EllenSpertus's avatar
    Community Member

    Great idea! I'd never seen the Video Options menu before.

    Unfortunately, trying what you suggested didn't help, as shown by this video.

  • Make sure that Video 1 is set to play "automatically" using the same steps as above, or using a trigger to Play when timeline starts.  That might be missing.

  • EllenSpertus's avatar
    Community Member

    I figured out that it DOES work (maybe because of the changes suggested by Tracy), just not when I press the play button beneath the timeline.

    When I use Preview or Publish, the second video plays correctly.

  • AmieGustavson's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm having a similar issue - my second video just sits there showing one frame (not the intial frame, however).  I will play around with the video play options and see if that helps.