Forum Discussion

ShannonBaskin's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Can't Publish to Word

I'm running Storyline 360 (version  3.75.30269) on my Mac with Parallels.

When I go to Publish to Word, the Congratulations dialogue box appears however, there is no file in the folder location, and nothing happens when I click View Document, Zip or Open. 

I have Microsoft Word on my Mac. Do I need to pay for a second Microsoft license for my virtual machine? 

File > Translation > Export to Word. This works, but the file layout is not great to share with a client.

Any idea why it's not working? Thanks!

2 Replies

  • Hi Shannon,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I'm sorry to hear you're running into this snag. Thanks so much for sharing your current setup with us.

    Is it possible for you to sign in and download your current Microsoft license on the PC end of your computer? 

    You will need to have Storyline 360 and Microsoft running on the virtual machine end of your computer for it to open up when you select those published buttons in Storyline 360.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!