Forum Discussion

JackArmstrong's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Combine elements into one learning checkpoint?

I have a learning checkpoint that will require that learners select their state of residence, and then they need to fill in a blank, or could be from a drop-down list, to fill out the appropriate age (this is a course for law enforcement, and requires learners to be able to state the age where a person is legally able to participate in an action).  So, I found an AWESOME USA map that someone already made in one of the discussion posts, and it has the US States all outlined as 50 separate freeform shapes.  
What I need the learner to do is to select their state, then select/ or enter the age, and then hit submit.

But I am unclear on HOW to accomplish this?  Could this be done within layers, where each layer is a US State, and they enter the info into the layer?  (I don't think that's the right way).  Or, just have them select their state, then fill in the blank/ pick from a list in a drop-down, and then...?  how to write the trigger for that?

The image attached is from the AWESOME sample that someone else made, and I hope to be able to adapt to this situation.

  • As I understand it, after the user selects their state, you want them to indicate the age at which the chosen state allows a certain action.

    Here's one way to do that. Note: Because objects in Storyline have states (e.g., Normal, Selected), I'll refer to the states on the map as shapes

    • Give the shapes a Selected state that will make it obvious which one was selected. 



    • Create a numeric variable that will hold the correct age. For example, call it "ThisAge." Then add a trigger to each shape that adjusts the "ThisAge" variable to the appropriate age for that shape/state. 


    • OPTIONAL: Create a text variable to indicate which shape was selected. For example, call it "WhichOne." Add a trigger to each shape that adjusts the text variable to indicate the selection. For example, if the user clicks Minnesota, the trigger would set the variable to "Minnesota" or "MN." Reference the variable on the slide (e.g., "%WhichOne%"). That would help assure the user they selected the correct state. (Here's more info about variables: The Value of Variables | Articulate - Community)



    • I'd also use a Submit My Answer button, because that forces the user to click outside the entry field. (The associated numeric variable won't update until the field loses focus.)  


    • Evaluate the answer using conditional triggers. For example, show a "correct" layer when Submit My Answer is clicked, with the condition that the numeric-entry variable = the ThisAge variable. (You can find info about trigger conditions here: Storyline 360: Working with Triggers | Articulate - Community )


    Also, if this needs to be a graded question, you'll have to disguise the actual answers used for grading, because you can only indicate one correct answer (not different correct answers based on conditions).