Forum Discussion

JamesMoss-54503's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Conditional/branching feedback

Hi there! 

Sorry if this is covered somewhere else. I looked but couldn't find anything. 

I'm trying to create a quiz in Storyline where participants can get a maximum of three wrong answers. After the third wrong answer, the quiz ends. After the first and second wrong answers, I want them to get unique feedback letting them know how many attempts left they have. 

That means I need some way for Storyline to track how many answers they have gotten incorrect on the quiz overall so it can display the appropriate feedback no matter what questions they get wrong. For example, if someone gets their first incorrect response on question 1 they should get the same feedback as someone who gets their first incorrect response on question 6. 

It seems like I should use the variable feature, but I can't figure out what I should input. 

Does anyone have an idea for how I can do this? 

Thanks in advance for the help!

  • Hi, James,

    Here's a possibility:

    • Create a number variable, with a default value of 0.
    • For each question, use a trigger that adds 1 to the variable if the user answered incorrectly. 
    • Use triggers with conditions that show the appropriate feedback based on the value of the variable.
      • To keep it simple, I'd put the each piece of feedback on a separate slide, and then lightbox the appropriate feedback slide when the variable reached the designated number. Or just jump to the feedback slide--but be sure to adjust its Player features as needed to control the navigation.
  • FYI: That's the kind of situation where I'd use a Storage scene, which is simply an extra scene to hold miscellaneous slides. If you put lightboxed slides, or other slides that need to appear out of the normal flow, into their own scene, that keeps them separate from the "go Next" flow. And that makes the navigation easier to control. 

  • It took me way longer to get back to this than I planned, but I wanted to let you know that your suggestion worked really well. Thanks again, Judy!