Forum Discussion

JP-f1171456-01f's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Confirmation Bias Puzzle - Is there a way to do this?

Hello everyone - 

A client would like to recreate the Confirmation Bias Puzzle where are 3 boxes.

Learner enters a number into each box.  

The rule is that the numbers MUST be in increasing orders.

They would enter the 3 numbers in increasing order and  click enter, the result would say "this follows the rule".

If they enter a number into each box that is not in increasing order and click enter, the result would say "this doesn't follow the rule"

I'll include the link if my explanation needs further clarification.


I realize this is very specific but if anyone has any ideas...that would be great. 


Thanks Y'all!







    • Insert 3 number-entry fields. When you do, Storyline will automatically assign a variable to hold the value for each.
      • I suggest you rename them, e.g., n1, n2, n3, or something like that.
    • Create two T/F variables: one to track whether the 1st number is less than the 2nd number and one to track whether the 2nd number is less than the 3rd number.
      • Set the default value to False. When both are True, that'll mean the numbers follow the rule. 
    • Add a button to submit the entries.
    • Add triggers to the button that adjust the T/F variables based on a comparison of the appropriate numbers. For example, the first trigger might look like this: 

    • Add triggers to that button that shows the proper feedback based on whether or not both T/F variables are TRUE. 
    • Have a "Try Again" button with triggers that reset the T/F variables to False and that change the numbers to 0 (or blank). 

    FYI: Here's more info about variables and conditions: 

    Note: So, that part is doable. However, it's harder to check whether the user has really figured out the rule. You could have them type something into a short-answer question. But they'd have to type *exactly* what you indicate is correct. Or you could just show them the rule if they get a certain number of tries in a row correct, or after a certain number of attempts. To do that, you'd need more variables.  :-)