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KarlManning-f1e's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Creating an Android app from Storyline doesn't rotate


I have been asked to create an interactive demo for our sales team that they want as an offline Android app. 

After publishing from Storyline 360, I'm using Voltbuilder with a zip file generated as Cordova. I used their default template for the Cordova setup.

I've put all the  Storyline content in the www folder and renamed as index.html.

Voltbuilder generates the test app fine and I can install it on my phone. However, as yet, I can't get it to rotate and I need it to display in landscape mode.

First version, classic player (as just testing concept) showed as Portrait with a "Launch button" in the background of the app and a small single page of Storyline with no navigation, and didn't appear to run beyond that.

Second attempt, using the modern player. Under preview/responsive settings in Storyline I set it to  Allow playback tablet / mobile to "Landscape" only.

When launched as an app, I just get a black screen with a phone symbol and arrows saying "please rotate your device"  in portrait mode.

Can someone suggest a way to create an Android app that works in landscape on a tablet from Storyline content please!

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    I used a bare-bones setup:

    1. Published output in a folder named 'www' (lowercase).
    2. I renamed story.html to index.html in the www folder.
    3. Minimal 'config.xml' file (see attached) in the root folder.
    4. A 'certificates' folder in the root folder; I put an empty Notepad file called 'emtpy.txt' in this folder.
    5. Minimal 'voltbuilder.json' file (see attached) in the root folder.

    In my case, I am just testing Volt Builder out. I was delighted to see I could generate an Android app that I could immediately download without having to put it on the Google Play or other app store. My client isn't going to sell the app; they just need some of their users to be able to run the Storyline project without an internet connection on a mobile device. Until Articulate has a way for us to do this, Volt Builder seems like a good temporary solution.

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    When you rotated your device after seeing the phone symbol with arrows on the black screen, did the app not start? Did the black screen remain? 

    Just last week I used Volt Builder to create an Android app and it started and worked fine in landscape mode after rotating the device when prompted. I used the Modern Player; I haven't tried the app builder with a Classic SL file. I only tested on a tablet so far, not a phone.

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Just installed my test app on my phone. As with the tablet, I was prompted to rotate the phone and then the app started. All good.

  • Thanks for the prompt reply. Could you share your settings with me as this is something I haven't done before. Last time I did something like this I used Phonegap, so voltbuilder is a new thing.


  • Thank you! All works fine now.

    In the config.xml file I had there was this line... which stopped it from going to landscape!

    <preference name="permissions" value="none"/>
    <preference name="orientation" value="portrait"/>