Forum Discussion

LYLee's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Display result based on the times learners choose a particular answer

Hello everyone. I'm designing a buzzfeed style quiz. I want to display results based on the highest numbers of time learners choose a particular answer. If learners choose option 1 the most, result 1 will be displayed. If option 2 is chosen the most, result 2 will be displayed and vice versa. I have 4 options and 4 results in total. 

Problem 1: I set up a number variable for each result. Every time learners select an answer, it adds 1 point to the designated result variable. Though the result variable reference is correct, storyline does not direct me to the correct result slide. I think it may have to do with the trigger sequence? 

Problem 2: I can't figure out what to do when some of the answers are chosen equal numbers of times. I have thought about adding a "draw slide" allowing learners to make a final choice. I think this still doesn't work after I did some maths about probability. Anyone has suggestions?

I'm stuck with this forever and I need help.

  • Hi LY,

    To the problem 1:
    You should use "and" not "or" for the conditions, otherwise the system will not know what to do e.g. when Result1>Result2, Result2>Result3

    To the problem 2:
    Since there are only five questions, so if there are two most seleted results, there must be two for two times seleted results. You can add a "draw slide" as you mentioned and have four options in the slide but grey out (defult disabled) for all of them, and use trigger to change the two of them to normal state if the value of the result#=2. Then you will only need one "draw slide" for no matter which two are most seleted.