Forum Discussion
editing hanging text
I have pasted text in from a power point that used bullets with hanging text. I removed the bullet but was unable to find anyway in Storyline to change the paragraph format to no indent (hanging text) on the second line. Is there a paragraph editing tool for adjusting the amount of indent or hanging indent?
- GerryWasilukCommunity Member
Nope. Storyline's text editing capabilities are, admittedly, a bit bare. Things like this and basic table support, among other things, are really needed.
Articulate has stated this is something they do want to address. No ETA for whatever they are planning.
I'd add a feature request for what you need. The more voices here the better:
A couple of workarounds: just adapt this KB article on tables to what you need:
- StephenStoneCommunity Member
thanks for your response. I also added a feature request.
- NancyWoinoskiSuper Hero
Hi Stephen, if you want to get rid of the hanging intends - try pasting the text into the notes section first and then copying it back into the slide. It is a big dragola (made up word) but it seems to work.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
nice workaround Nancy, the other solution is to take the bullets of and hanging indent before you copy and paste
- GerryWasilukCommunity Member
Interesting workarounds (have to try them), though I prefer the term "kludges"
It still boggles me that table support is AWOL (yes, i know Quizmaker's text handling was just brought forward to SL). Most web designs use tables, and with HTML5 coming on strong, lack of table support is strange, IMVHO.
Heck, with proper table support (assuming borders would be transparent), one could use that for hanging indents.
Just hoping this (better text editing) gets addressed sooner as opposed to later.
- theodorogomezCommunity Member
I had the same problem.
Try selecting the text > click the bullets icon dropdown arrow and select None. It removed the hanging indent for me.
- KimEjma-fb4696cCommunity Member
That was it! Thank you for the solution!
- LeanneShultzCommunity Member
I just encountered this issue, as well. I was copying formatted text without hanging indents - from a Word doc into a Storyline assessment. When I brought over the entire assessment choice including the list element (a., b., c., for example), it auto-formatted with the hanging indent (I then deleted the list element when in Form view and left the new formatting as it was).
I did notice that when I copied an assessment choice WITHOUT the list element, the formatting pasted WITHOUT the hanging indent (which mirrors formatting in the Word doc). Lol it's the opposite of what you'd expect, right?