Forum Discussion

JeffFuqua's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

eLearning, E-learning, E-Learning or e-Learning?

Anyone know which is correct?

  • JohnCurran's avatar
    Community Member

    Nice image Nancy...and either works for long as that capital 'L' doesn't make an appearance out of that crater!

  • Kimhofmann's avatar
    Community Member

    Any update on eLearning, elearning, e-Learning?  I'm updating my website and I wondered what is most accepted and also what might be best for SEO.


    • NancyWoinoski's avatar
      Super Hero

      I think the point of this discussion is that it doesn't matter what you use as long as you are consistent.

  • I agree with what others are saying about consistency being the most important thing. But for me, it boils down to the usage for other similar terms.  When is the last time you saw "e-mail" or "eMail?"  The simple spelling and case for "email" is now widely accepted.  The similar spelling and case for "ebook" and other similar terms have now also become common. 

    I feel like it's time for elearning to follow suit, but this is just my personal preference.  I have a hard time using the spelling and case "e-learning" or "eLearning" if I'm not also going to use "e-mail" or "eMail."

  • WaleedAlani's avatar
    Community Member indicates that using "elearning" (without a hyphen) is incorrect and recommends using "e-learning" instead. For titles and headings, recommends using "E-Learning."

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    This reminds me of the nomenclature "debate" a generation ago surrounding the communication medium used to develop and deliver content, via computer, which incorporates a combination of audio, video, text, still images, animation, and interactivity. Is it "multi-media," "Multimedia," "MultiMedia," or "multimedia?" 😃