Forum Discussion
Hi Edith!
Microsoft Streams are not supported for external sharing outside your organization and will only stream to authorized users. We recommend importing the video as an mp4 file. I'm also interested in hearing if other community members have found a way to use Microsoft Streams in their courses!
- IndraniSen-4a46Community Member
Ye, I am interested in learning more too.
- BaileyBowyer-77Community Member
Yes you can embed the videos from Stream into Storyline using the embed code.
Insert > Video > Video from Website > paste in the embed code.Just an FYI - I have had nothing but issues with this type of embed. Even if I set the Player size, it still doesn't display as set. Its super annoying and the video doesn't stay where you placed it on the slide, it moves into weird places so we are now linking via a web object from our SharePoint.
- SushilNarayananCommunity Member
Does anyone know if we can share videos embedded on teams using rise or storyline or any other articulate produce?
- BaileyBowyer-77Community Member
K, I have tested this all ways come Sunday and no go. If I try and embed a Stream video using the </> Embed code option, it shows as Sign into your account in Rise and the LMS then when you click on the link to view the video in the LMS it tells you that you need permission.
If I use the share url, it's the same thing. We can't upload videos into Rise because the file size is too big, so we are stuck.
- BaileyBowyer-77Community Member
Ill keep trying...
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
embed code for which version of MS stream?
(new) MS stream ?
or MS stream classic ?
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
>playing automatically without the need for the learner to click on anything?
autoplay of video with audio especially in iframe without user interaction is never guaranteed in modern browser
it depends on
- the browser settings of the learner (Firefox)
- his previous activities (MS Edge, Chrome ...)
- ID4WiscStateCommunity Member
I am able to use the embed code from MS 365 Stream through Articulate Storyline's "Video from Website" through our Learning Management System to play for another user. For sure, I need to do more testing; in particular getting my organization to loosen the permissions on who can access the Stream video.