Forum Discussion

LizTyler-99fc0a's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Exit option in a microlearining course


If you activate an exit button through the publish options on a microlearning course in Rise 360, does this report any outcome to the LMS or is it just a way to get out of a course at any stage? Also, does it allow the learner to return to where they were when they exited last time? 

Thank you

  • Hello Liz,

    Happy to help!

    Rise 360 sends a completion mark to an LMS depending on the completion requirement selected when the course is published.

    Some LMSs however require the learner to return to the LMS for a completion mark to be properly recorded. This is where the exit course button comes in. The Exit Course button should close the Rise 360 course and return the learner to the LMS, allowing the LMS to recognize the learner's course completion. When learners resume a course, the suspend data element should return the learner to the lesson where they exited from.


  • Hi Jose,

    Thank you for that. That's just what I need for the current course I'm working on. we just want the learner to be able to return to the course after exiting and continue from where they were as there is no requirement for them to complete this in one go as it's  a course that includes information only with no requirement to pass anything.

    Moving on form this, if we need a learner to complete the whole course before it completes in the LMS is there a better option for this? Would it be better not to have the LMS exit option available and to add a button at the end of the course with the exit option setting on it, and would this require a continue block directly above this button which is set to complete all blocks before continuing?

    I hope that all makes some sense? :-)

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Liz,

      If you need your learners to complete the whole course before they are given a completion mark, you can use the "Track using course completion" with the value set at 100%.

      You can also use the third option, which is to track completion using an embedded Storyline 360 block placed at the very end of your course if you'd like. 

      You can use many options that require your learners to go through your course from start to end, so feel free to use whichever option works best for you!

  • Hi,

    You don't have the same options on a microlearning course do you - which is what I'm asking about on this occasion? Are these courses only trackable on the complete/incomplete setting? Can you not add any conditions to that? For example, would it track on adding the quiz or a continue button at the end where you have to complete all other blocks first?

    I'm a bit confused as to how you set any conditions for completion in the microlearning option in Rise 360?

    Thank you for your help with this. 


  • Hi there, Liz! 

    Microlearning is considered complete when a learner views and interacts with all the blocks in the microlearning content. 

    Microlearning doesn't include a tracked quiz, but you can include ungraded knowledge check blocks for informal interactivity.

    If you want to ensure learners don't skip over your interactive blocks, add a conditional continue button after each interactive block, or at the end of the microlearning. Give that a try, and let us know how it works out! 

  • Hi Alyssa,

    Thank you for that, it's just what I needed to know. As long as we have some way to have the course completed on every section, whether by visiting all the blocks or by adding continue buttons, it serves our purpose perfectly for the microlearning courses I'm creating.

    Thank you