Forum Discussion

mrsmcd's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Export Picture on Save opens new File Explorer

Maybe this isn't a Storyline issue but I swear I Googled it first and verified I didn't have any special tools set (PowerTools) but is anyone else experiencing a new File Explorer window opening after every export of an image from Storyline? It is more annoying than anything and trying to eliminate what is causing it. 

I right click an image on a slide, choose 'Export Picture' >Export Original Image... and the save as window appears. I choose my file location and click save. That window goes away and about 5 seconds later a new File Explorer window opens where I saved the picture.  Help! Where can I turn that off :) 

Screen capture of what happens

Storyline 360 v3.75.30269.0

  • Hello Melissa, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I am seeing the same thing on my end, and I can confirm that this is normal behavior. The new File Explorer Window appearing is a form of confirmation that the exported image file was successfully saved to the selected directory. I'm not aware of a way to turn this behavior off at the moment, but I'm interested to see if anyone from the community has a solution that they'd be willing to share!