Forum Discussion

StuartWeenig's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Feature request: relative links

We'd like the ability for buttons to have relative links. Currently if we insert "/courses/courseA" as the URL, the final link ends up "https:///courses/courseA", which isn't the same thing. The final link looks for courses as a domain instead of a resource path. We'd be ok with requiring a checkbox to allow relative links.

  • Hi folks! Quick feature update for you:

    You can now use relative links in button and button stack blocks to link to content within your subdomain.

    If you embed web content in other block types and would like to use relative URLs to do so, please let us know about your use case by connecting with us here. Allowing relative URLs in hyperlinked text is not something we're working on at this time.

  • I was sad to come here and find out this is not available! Yes, please add this functionality!

  • I commented previously about this and I'm wondering if there is any update on relative links. Not being able to add a relative link in the last lesson means I have to create multiple versions for each separate site we need the courses on. It would save me so much time in exporting and loading courses. Are you able to provide an update on whether this is being considered and if there's a timeline? If it's not being considered we can rethink our process. Thank you.

  • Hi folks! Quick feature update for you:

    You can now use relative links in button and button stack blocks to link to content within your subdomain.

    If you embed web content in other block types and would like to use relative URLs to do so, please let us know about your use case by connecting with us here. Allowing relative URLs in hyperlinked text is not something we're working on at this time.