Forum Discussion
Find and replace in Rise?
Hi team
Loving Rise and the enhancements that keep coming through.
One that would be extremely useful is find and replace. I can find on the page I'm on using Ctrl+F but to be able to make blanket changes across the course would be fantastic!
- BethJones-976e6Community Member
- MarcTaylor-defdCommunity Member
Five years and still not a feature! Why is Articulate so slow to implement things which their customers ask for. I mean it's not even like this would take a lot of work.
- AmandaMcKenzieCommunity Member
It's been a while since this question was asked.... has there been any updates? Is it a function yet?
- AlexandraPansieCommunity Member
+1 also!
- ChrisDornaCommunity Member
Hi Chuck, I speak Dutch, can you please explain to which post you are refering?
- CHARLESRUSSE902Community Member
I was able to do a find and replace but there are many people in the community that think it is still not a feature of Storyline!
Chuck Russell
ERP Training Consultant
Enterprise System Learning & Development | America’s
VERTIV | 530 Westar Blvd | Westerville, Ohio, 43082, USA
M 614.339.9988 | Connect with Vertiv on social media ChrisRosso-cfd8Community Member
Find and replace has been around in Storyline for years. We are talking about Rise here.
Chris Rosso (he/him/his)
Sr. Director, Global Service & Delivery, Learning & DevelopmentGartner
Direct: +1 239 318 3864 | Mobile: +1 402 661 4475
- ChrisDornaCommunity Member
This is so needed! Please don't make it six years to add this simple feature?
- ChrisDornaCommunity Member
Today one of my customers asked me how difficult it would be to change one word in all courses and I had to to tell that after 8 years this is still difficult. Even the new AI-tools are not able to do this.
You should really be more careful with the use of the word heroes. You’re defining it down drastically. If a person creating or completing e-learning is a hero, then what would you call an Arm Ranger, Navy Seal Team, or Police Officer that risks their lives?
Chuck Russell
ERP Training Consultant
Enterprise System Learning & Development | America’s
VERTIV | 530 Westar Blvd | Westerville, Ohio, 43082, USA
M 614.339.9988 | Connect with Vertiv on social media
- CHARLESRUSSE902Community Member
I used find and replace today and it worked perfectly. I searched for "Template required, select from the LOV" and replaced it with *Select from LOV" for example. It found and replaced 61 occurances. Simple and easy. I hope it works this way for all.
- AmandaHegneyCommunity Member
Has this been resolved as yet?
- ChristianeRutleCommunity Member
Hello! Five years later, I am still not finding the find and replace functionality!! This would be so so helpful. Today, I am changing a name on 10 modules and wishing for the simple feature of find and replace!!
Hi Dave,
Thanks for reaching out!
I don't have an update on this feature request just yet. We evaluate feature requests alongside our queue of bug fixes, new features already on the roadmap, and other projects. If a new feature makes it onto the roadmap, our team develops and tests it.
I've added your vote and will be sure to update this discussion with our progress!