Forum Discussion
I have googled and searched for a hopeful recent answer on this but am coming up with no solution. I have an entire self-paced course built in articulate storyline that we have placed into canvas. The storyline files are not graded assignments at this point. There are 8-9 storyline scenes and they are individual modules then a quiz at the end in a final module for the grade. It seemed like a year or so ago when we did our first course like this, it seemed that we were able to set it up so they had to go all the way through the articulate course before it would let them move on but maybe it never did.
So my question is, is there a solution to this. Is there a way in canvas to "force" a student to complete the entire storyline scene (scorm file) before they can move to the next module. I have it set up as each module is a pre-requisite for the next and even tried setting up that they have to finish that assignment first, but it still lets them just keep going as long as the scorm file starts.
Any suggestions?