Forum Discussion
Getting 360 Content Library characters in Rise
Is it possible to use characters from the Content Library in a Rise course or do I need to use SL360?
Hi Raquelle,
Currently the content library characters are for use in Storyline and Studio 360, although it's on our road map to integrate Content Library with Rise sometime in Q1 of '17 - so stay tuned!
- RaquelleCaras-eCommunity Member
Awesome. Thanks so much!
- StellaBlokpoel-Community Member
I'm desperate for this feature too!
- DawnFerullo-988Community Member
So happy to hear Content Library integration is on the road map!
- BrendaStutsky-fCommunity Member
Being able to access the content library as a whole when in Rise is an important needed feature!
We're still working on this feature, and it's slated for release in Q1 of this year, so we'll keep you posted once that's available!
- AvrilFortuinCommunity Member
It is a pity that it was not thought about earlier (before launching Storyline 360) to be able to insert characters into Rise.
Can anyone help? Is there a way to insert characters using other software? I am desperate to give my work in Rise a personal feel using characters.
Hi Raquelle and Avril-
I might have some ideas that could help in the short term, but I'd really like to know more about how you'd like to use characters in Rise. Any chance you could mock something up that would show how you'd want to use characters?
- RaquelleCaras-eCommunity Member
Hi David,
Thanks for the response. It would be nice to have the option of characters to provide a visual element instead of just words on a white background; especially if there are no images to choose from in our own subscription of images or if the images on the Rise templates don't really match the course topic. Hope that helps. Thanks!
- JanetFearns-51bCommunity Member
I am currently developing in Rise and am not sure whether to source character images from elsewhere or wait until the content library becomes available in Rise. I need to complete by September this year. Any chance of an eta?
Hi Janet,
Thanks for reaching out here! We're still working on this feature to have the integration of the Content Library stock images within Rise. The timeline of that is still on track, so we'll keep you posted on the release of those images within Rise and if anything shifts with that ETA.
If you're looking to add characters to your courses, you may want to look at using Storyline 360. Then you could customize the slide stage to match your needs and even include changes to the characters expression and pose based on the user interactions! I find this article on "Why You Need the Tools in Articulate 360 and When to Use Them" really helpful to figure out which tool I'd want to use for each course.
Hope that helps, and we'll keep you posted on the integration of the stock images in Rise!
- JanetFearns-51bCommunity Member
Many thanks, looking forward to having access to the content library with the amazing Rise!
- AmberStokes-140Community Member
At UCLA we are very much looking forward to an update on the feature to have the integration of the Content Library stock images within Rise!