Forum Discussion
Getting Disabled objects to return to normal once the state of other objects have been visited
I have four single objects on a "slide." All but the first object are set in a disabled state when the timeline begins. I designed it this way so that the learner has to visit each object in a particular order. I added triggers for the state of each object to return to "normal" once the state of the previous object is "visited." When the learner clicks an object, it takes them to another layer that provides more information about the object. After viewing this info, the learner clicks "back" and the next object should be "normal," but it is staying in a "disabled" state. I did this same process on a previous slide and it works perfectly, but for some reason, the same triggers and states on this slide are not producing the desired results. Help!
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Hi, Pamela,
It sounds like you have the right programming, so it's impossible to say what's going wrong without seeing the file. Best guess is that there was an error in indicating an item in the trigger. So the first thing to do is double-check all objects in each trigger. (Naming items makes this easier to troubleshoot.)
- Instead of triggering the change to Normal when the previous button is "Visited," you could just add a change-state trigger to that previous button. (For example, Button 1 would have a trigger to change the state of Button 2 to Normal when Button 1 is clicked.)
- You don't need triggers to disable the objects when the timeline starts. It's easier to just set their initial state to Disabled.
- PamelaReese-51cCommunity Member
Hi Judy. My triggers were fighting each other and indeed, the fix was to eliminate some of them and just have the objects start out as disabled. Thanks!