Forum Discussion
Hiding Lessons in Rise
Hi all
I've noticed that there isn;t any functionality to hide lessons in Rise. Currently I'm developing a course in neuroscience, which will eventually be updated with lessons inducing videos etc, but the lecturer wants it to go out to students now and update the course later. Because I cant hide these in dev lessons, I will need to make a copy of the course and delete the sections that are in dev.
Is there any plan to add this functionality and if not, can it be added to the road map?
Hi there, Becky!
Tell me more about how the students access this course. Is it hosted on a learning management system (LMS), a web server, or are they viewing the course Share link?
If you exported the course for LMS or Web, any changes you make to the course after publishing won't be reflected in the published output file. You'll want to publish the Rise 360 course again and upload the most recently-published version to the LMS or web server.
- BeckyHolmanCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa
It's being exported as a SCORM package and then uploaded into our LMS.
I'm aware that for any changes that I make to my course will have to be reuploaded into the LMS, it more that it's an extra hurdle that I have to make a copy of the course with extra sections that are in dev' and then delete them from the copy that is exported into the LMS.
If we could hide sections I could simply export the course into the LMS whilst working on the dev version in Rise without having two copies. It would also be useful if I was using the share link version, as they could be hidden and then would automatically show when I decided to unhide them.
- KellyDoaneCommunity Member
^^This all day long!!!!!
I literally just typed the below and was about to hit send when I came across this post!
Wondering if there is a way to hide/disable draft content from Export? Here is my scenario - we are a global company acquiring smaller companies around the globe. I'm responsible for compliance and onboarding content that I create in Rise.
I'd like to be able to start drafting new geographies as early as possible - but fear this because if there is an update to already existing content needed in the interim, I have to delete my draft to export. Duplication of the courses becomes a nightmare with the current filing structure available - so that's not an option.
It would be great if I could 'hide' my draft section and enable it when ready for export. This would also be beneficial for projects where several sections are exactly the same, but one or two sections are different - say, for different geographies, in that it would reduce the number individual projects I have to create and track. "
Thanks Becky!!! I too would be very excited to see this on the roadmap!
- ToriTrevinoCommunity Member
This would be very helpful!