Forum Discussion

GraceKarijom173's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

How can I change the start course button in the language of the content?

Hi there,

I've created a course as Course collaborator and published it in Review mode but the "Start Course" button on the cover page is in a different language, how can I change this in English, as the rest of the course content is in English?

Updated: go to the course manager's account/ author link - SETTINGS -> In tab LABELS the Custom Course Labels = English, under the tab BUTTONS & MESSAGES - Course Overview - go to Custom Text and change the word in chosen language

  • Hi Grace,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Looks like you're trying to change the labels in a Rise 360 course. This article will explain how: 

    You'll want to find the exact label for the "Start Course" button and change it to your preferred language and republish your course for the changes to take effect. 

    Hope this helps!

  • Great news, Grace!

    Feel free to reach out in the community in the future to share any discoveries or questions.

    Have a great day! ☀️