Forum Discussion
How do i change quiz question type once created?
For example,I have a multiple choice question allowing one answer as correct, that my SME now wants to have changed to a multiple select question. I don't see how i can change question type once created. Any ideas other than having to recreated from scratch. I only ask because this has happened to me several times lately so i thought i would ask if there is a way to edit rather than recreate.
- AndrewSellonCommunity Member
Hi, Regina, and welcome! To my knowledge, it is still not possible to change question types in Storyline once created. I think it's a popular feature request, and if you make the request as well, it will help keep the need in front of the good folks at Articulate:
FYI, if you're working with a Freeform question, Ron Price has a workaround:
But as you'll see, even there it's somewhat involved. For non-freeform questions, however, I'm not aware of a workaround at all.
Definitely add your name to the feature request list! I think I've done it before, but will make the request again just in case. I have no idea how easy/difficult it might be for the programmers--but it would be a huge help to all of us Storyline developers!Hope this helps,Andrew Thanks Andrew for sharing the link for the feature request - the more the better.
- ReginaLehotayCommunity Member
Yep that was my guess but figured it didn't hurt to ask.
I will use link to submit soon.
Always feel free to ask Regina! We're here to help.
- JohnCurranCommunity Member
Agree this is a key issue but I understand that it's non trivial for the developer's to fix. At the simplest level the ability to re-configure a multi-choice to a multi-response or vice versa is probably the main requirement. I would have also used it at least 50 times in the last 12 months!
Hi John,
If you haven't already you can share your thoughts in the form of a feature request here.
- melissahomerCommunity Member
It is SO disappointing to see this thread from 3 YEARS AGO and still this feature has not been addressed! Customers ask to change the method in which students are asked a question ALL THE TIME and leaving developers to manually do the questions over from scratch is ridiculous. There should at least be the ability to toggle between "multiple choice" and "multiple response" by now!
- DeeAndersonCommunity Member
Is this still not available? I have a test with branching of 500 slides. To recreate one slide from multiple choice to multi-response takes so much time. This should be fixed by now for the price of Storyline.
Hi Dee,
I'm sorry that you've run into this set up and are needing to change it. It's not currently an option within Storyline to change the question type, but it is something we've shared with our team in regards to the feature request and you're also welcome to share here.
I'm sorry to say that there hasn't been a change in this one yet Hillary - although we do track the feature requests and forum discussions to determine breadth of users impacted and the viability of current workarounds, solutions, etc. when looking to include things as new features. So every little bit does count and is seen by a member of our team.