Forum Discussion

LaToyaCrabbe-27's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Image Degradation in Storyline

I've seen a couple threads from years ago regarding this issue but did not see a resolution. When importing my images into Storyline 360, I get noticeable degradation. This degradation occurs even before I publish the course. I have tried PNG, JPG, and SVG (imported from PowerPoint) and the issue persists.

The image I am focusing on now is very sharp on my computer and in other applications such as PowerPoint and Paint. The image is 2.1MB. Storyline decreases my image size upon import to fit into the slide and it is blurry even before I attempt to resize it. When I increase the size back to the native dimensions, the text in the image is legible although very blurry.

This has also happened in previous projects. Some of the projects I am working on require images with text that can be read by the learner. Even when I create a high-resolution image that is exactly the size that is needed, the image still comes out fuzzy in Storyline 360. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • Hello LaToya, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊 

    I appreciate you popping in to share what you see with your images in Storyline.

    You mentioned that: Storyline decreases my image size upon import to fit into the slide.

    We do recommend using images that do not have to be resized for the best quality in your project:

    Storyline 360: Best Practices for High-Quality Images and Videos

    • What is your story size?
    • What are the dimensions of your image?

    I would be happy to take a look at your project file. You can share it publicly here or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

  • I am having the same issue - with images being blurry. Both with a larger image and an image that has been resized in Photoshop so it is 100% in SL360. 

  • Thanks for letting us know that you're having a similar issue, Matthew. Since I've shared all of our tips above, I'd be happy to take a look at your project file. You can share it publicly here or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

  • QuinMainville's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello, I'm having the same issue as well.  I have an MP4 video that I imported.  The video is a 1080P MS Teams recording.  In its final edited version it looks very sharp and the text can be easily read.  However, after importing the video into Storyline 360 the video is blurry enough to where the text can not be made out any longer.

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      if the video is rendered to final web qualitity outside storyline and then imported to storyline you should set the video Compression to "None"

      now storyline will not change the video on publish and the publishing  process the much faster

      • QuinMainville's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you Jürgen! I had done some more digging and found the same solution. The newly published project is perfect.
        Nochmals vielen Dank!

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  • Hi Quin,

    Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!

    Thanks for explaining the issue that you're experiencing. Does this happen when you preview the video or in the published course?  Have you checked out our best practices for high-quality images and videos?

    If you're willing to share your file with us, I'd be happy to take a closer look! You can upload it here or share it privately in a support case, and we'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.

    • QuinMainville's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello Kelly,

      Yes, I found the answer there. I turned “compression” to ‘none’ and all is well now.

      Thank you for your reply,

      Sent from Mail for Windows

  • What is the size of the storyline slide? If it is 1080P then you can swap the video after publish or set to do not rerender in Storyline

    • QuinMainville's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello Phil,

      Thank you for your advice. I turned “Compression” to ‘none’ and all is well now.


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