Forum Discussion

  • TommiOjala's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm not sure how that course is actually created.

    But the first thing that came into my mind is to build that in the same way as I would do a countdown timer. So I would make a object that repeats its path, and each repeat  modifies the variable as needed. Then I would make trigger that makes it stop once it reaches the desired value.

    I added a very rough .story-file as an example.

    First motion path adds 10 and repeats until 250.

    Then as second one adds a bit more to make the number exactly what is needed. If adjust the duration of the motion path, you can make the numers run faster or slower.

    In the actual course you would make those boxes invisible or drag them outside of the slide so that those cannot be seen.

    There might far easier way to do all that, but like I said, this was the first idea that came into my mind.