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SamBloom's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Induction checklist/structure

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of researching online induction programes and what to include and exclude. I was hoping someone might have a structure/checklist of a very general induction program to help me get started.

Thanks so much,

    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks so much Tim this is great for me to start with, really appreciate it

  • BenSewell1's avatar
    Community Member

    I quite like new starter journeys that show an average day, with branching paths when the new starter wants to find more detail (eg: policy, benefits, etc).

    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks so much Ben really appreciate it 😀

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    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      One word 'brilliant' thanks so much 😀

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  • Sam, are you doing anything now for induction/onboarding? If so I'd talk to those that have recently come through it. What did they want to know vs what did the company/senior management want them to know? What were the gaps? Often if we have been in a role for a while we forget the minor things that are actually really important to help a new hire settle into their job.


    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Blair,

      Haven't started anything as yet it was a conversation from the business and l wanted to get a head start to get an idea of the options available to them. Really appreciate the support everyone is giving, 😀

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    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks so much, the blog is great and really pulls together everything everyone has been posting 😀👍

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  • Marti-Stemm's avatar
    Community Member

    We have an 8 hour pre-assignment training for all new employees. This is a classroom training, and occasionally items  that are part of our e-learning series are actually completed during this classroom training.  We made a conscious decision that all new employees, regardless of their experience in the security officer field must take our pre-assignment course.  This insures that all of our employees get the same message from the beginning, and more experienced officers know what the new officers are being told.  This training is followed up by on site training, and some required government e-learning courses such as GHS and Blood-borne Pathogens.  Thus we need online courses to complement our in class time.

    • SamBloom's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Marti,

      Great, thanks so much :)

      The blended approach is definitely the way l will go when we commence.
      Can't believe the fantastic responses l have got it's really been a great

  • Marti-Stemm's avatar
    Community Member

    OOPS, I hit enter before I addressed the checklist.  We have a checklist that outlines all of the topics or items that the new trainee must complete.  After the officer has completed each of the areas they initial the item on the list.  Depending on the location where they are assigned the training the complete "induction" process may take from 28 to 48 hours total training, e-learning and trainer to trainee time.    As an aside we also have a test that follows-ups officer knowledge, on-line that they take after 60 days of employment.

  • JackQuantrill's avatar
    Community Member


    As well as (or instead of) the usual policy and admin stuff that makes a typical induction, you could potentially use this as an opportunity to explore and 'sell' the culture of your organisation in a really cool way. I was shown this interactive video piece by a colleague recently and, for me, it really hits the right notes: 

    It's not built in Storyline but the same effect could be achieved using Storyline.

    I've seen A LOT of inductions over the years that have been real mood killers (and I'm ashamed to say I might have scripted one or two of this nature too). Take advantage of your newbies being keen to learn and give them something to get excited about.

    Bear in mind people are already taking on a lot of information when they first start a job. It doesn't matter how good an interactive slider activity on how to print off a document is or how cool the branching scenario explaining the terms of the pension scheme are, most people won't remember it. Accept the limitations of our medium (and of peoples' attention spans) and use online training to tee them off rather than attempt to download every term, condition and quirk of employment into their brains.

    Information isn't relevant until you need it. 



  • Hi Sam, I hope your induction pack came out great in the end! Would you mind sharing your copy with me, please?