Forum Discussion

JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Is it possible to export just one slide (for sharing it here on the forum)?

Hello Articulate developers,

Is it possible to export just one slide?
This for sharing it here quickly on the forum.


- Verhoeckx

  • Sounds like a complex process: select the slide, export it, send it to student, student edits it, sends it back, import it. 

    Fortunately, that ability is built.t into SL already, if you are willing to do that same amount of work, and use a different vocabulary (which not everybody is.)

    Substitute "import" for "export" and Bob's your uncle. The next time you open SL, before you open your project, start a new project, import that slide, save and send the .story file to the student. Same amount of work as exporting it, but maybe not nearly as glamorous, because it doesn't use the word "export".  :)

  • No, but you can open a new project, and import just one slide, then share that .story file.

  • Okay, thanks, that's of course always an option!

    It would be a great feature to export just a slide or a scene, I think!

  • You can publish by the slide or scene, which are both useful. Exporting by slide or scene is the same thing as importing by those options. Do we need a redundant function?

  • The goal was to export a single slide or a single scene so that the story-file can be shared here on the forum. With the publish function you don't get the story-file. So I think, an export function for a single slide or a scene can still be useful.

  • KatParker's avatar
    Community Member

    I would also find it useful - I am trying to have a student worker edit a single slide for me and then send it back, it would be helpful to be able to just export the slide as a .story so I can get it over to her.