Forum Discussion
I would document on the slide use off-stage objects and add explanations there, it is much easier writing code as you can document it as you go along, but even then it is often meaningless when you leave that moment of building.
There is no right way to build anything, there are more elegant ways to build things. My mantra is always to build parts and test and then build on top of what I know works (a bit like lego). I Try to separate different functions so they can be easily switched on and off for example, if I need a calculator function I will build it on a layer or a hidden object (that I change to normal) so I can reduce the triggers on the base layer. this way even the most complex interaction can look 'neat & tidy'.
Personally, I think you will waste a lot of time creating a document to capture all of this, as often a build is fluid and a lot can change in a day. As Matt suggested, if you are having issues post them here, ask support or even message someone who appears amenable. We have all been there, I definitely get buried sometimes and cannot work out why something doesn't work. On these days I often go and do something less boring instead.