Forum Discussion
Knowledge Check Questions Stack - Block Type
Currently if I want to add 5 knowledge check questions to a lesson, each question gets added as it's own block listed below each other. I'd love to see a new knowledge check "stack" block type which would be similar to the Flashcards Stack in that it was a single block where you scroll (horizontally) through multiple knowledge check questions. Essentially, I want exactly what the Quiz lesson type currently is, but with the ability to add it as a block within a lesson (with the option to have it graded or not). I think this would create a cleaner and easier to use experience for presenting knowledge check questions to the learner (Knowledge Check question blocks take up a lot of space, resulting in lots of scrolling). I've submitted this as a feature request, please +1 and submit a request too if you support this idea.
Thank you for taking the time to post this thread and submit your feature request Mark. We appreciate that!
- MeganColbertCommunity Member
Has there been an update on this feature request?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Megan,
There have been no changes regarding this issue.
- AdamFoulkesCommunity Member
This would be so useful!
Please add it :)
- AndyIngCommunity Member
Agree, It would make RISE KC's much more useable rather than having to create them in SL360 and importing these.
- BrookeBarker-ebCommunity Member
+1 here! Especially with the new micro learning format, it would be really helpful to add a quick "stacked" knowledge check
- StphaneWyonCommunity Member
- JulioCsarLug987Community Member