Forum Discussion
Lean 5S Game-Engagement
I am looking to build or find a pre-existing game for 5S. I want my audience to be able to pick or select a group of numbers that are thrown onto the page and organize them as quickly as possible. They will need to do this at various stages until they see the best organized way of grouping the numbers.
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
Aaron, did you ever build this course? I found your post yesterday when I was looking for the same thing. I couldn't find anything pre-built either, so I buckled down and built this game.
Here's my attempt (hosted on ScormCloud. Let me know if it's what you were looking for.
- AaronWatson-d57Community Member
Thanks Daniel for the reply. No I didn't create one. I was trying to see yours but, I can't get past the login on ScormCloud. I would like to see it.
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
You just have to put in an email address and your name, it should let you in.
- AaronWatson-d57Community Member
Just got into the game and played it. Great job. Any possibility of my using it? How did you do it? What software program(s) are needed? My address is
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
I built it in Articulate Storyline 2. It took about 7.5 hours.
Steps for anyone wanting to do something similar: (There are more things I did, but this is enough to get you started. You can add more variables, etc., depending on your comfort level).
1. Create button 1 and remove Hover state
2. Copy/Paste button 1, rename to 2, set default state to Disabled
3. Copy/Paste button 2 to create buttons 3-50
4. Add a trigger on each button (1-49) to change state of next button to Normal (button 1 changes state of button 2, etc)
5. Trigger on button 50 to go to "You Did It" layer
6. Create a clock layer, with 30 text elements "00:01", "00:02", etc. and place on timeline at each second. [Note, this step was edited in 2022 based on changes made in the example.]
7. Trigger at 30s to go to "Out of Time" layer (with condition that button 50's state (or 100 in part 1) is "Not selected"
8. On the Out of Time layer, add a hotspot over all buttons, but do not set a trigger. Hotspot works to keep user from continuing game when time is up9. Duplicate the completed 50-button slide
10. Create buttons 51-100
11. Continue adding triggers with the same logic as above, but with 100 buttons12. Duplicate the completed 50-button slide 2 more times
13. Add simple grid to one slide
14. Add detailed grid to the other
15. Use "Size and Position" to line up all the buttons on detailed grid
16. Adjust font and size on all buttons17. Create launch slides and content to teach what you want.
- ShannaRowekampCommunity Member
Hi Daniel, I'm trying to follow your instructions but I'm a little confused on creating the 30 clock layers... how does the game interact with the clock layers?
- KelleyDurdella-Community Member
@shanna Did you ever figure this out? I am trying to build it as well, but I can't figure out a couple of things. I also cannot figure out how to add up the total numbers/results that the person got within the time limit. I would love to touch base if possible.
- JacobOlivierCommunity Member
This is really an interesting topic
Daniel, I did not succeed to open yours, is there any way to share it with me?
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
Sorry, I couldn't keep the file hosted at the URL forever. I'll see about updating this later.
- JacobOlivierCommunity Member
thanks for your fast answer, Daniel!
Wait for your input...:)
- JoanPerryCommunity Member
This is just what I'm looking for. Thank you for the instructions. Is there anyway I can get a copy of the file?
- JoanPerryCommunity Member
I'm having trouble with the trigger at zero. It shows "you did it" when clicking 49 but then when the times up it displays that too. I'm using numbered shapes 1-30 to display the time.
- ShannaRowekampCommunity Member
Joan, Did you ever get this to work? I'm trying to create it...
- JoanPerryCommunity Member
Yes. This game was well received. It was 4 yrs ago so I don’t remember the details. I had to do a bit of customization to it. I see below you have worked out the issues.
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
Hi. It’s been quite a while since I’ve thought about this project. If I have time tomorrow, I’ll try to see if I can remind myself how it works and get back to you.
- DanielMitchell1Community Member
I set a reminder on my calendar for tomorrow. Also, I manage the team now, and this would be a good challenge for some of the newer instructional designers/developers on my team, so I may be extending the challenge to them. Thanks for reminding me about this project.
- ShannaRowekampCommunity Member
I would like to be on your team and learn cool stuff like this!