Forum Discussion

HelenTyson1's avatar
10 years ago

Likert Scale Label Format


I was wondering if there was a way to change the colour of the tooltip captions that appear in the Likert Scale question type.  The labels seems to be a default yellow and I can't see where we might be able to change them.

Any ideas?


  • Hi, Helen --

    It appears that the yellow color is by default in Storyline and isn't something that can be changed. A customizable option would make a great feature request, though!

  • Hello, Mahealani, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

    Thank you for reaching out! We have a feature request logged to Customize Font and Color of Likert Scale Caption, but it hasn't made it to our feature roadmap yet. 

    I will update this discussion if I have any news to share.