Forum Discussion

AlexandreCha867's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

multilangual menu display

Hello everyone,
I created a training course (storyline 360) which is translated into 2 languages.
I would like to display only the content of the chosen language.

On the startup scene, there is only one slide that redirects to the chosen language.

Does anyone see a possibility?



  • Bonjour Alexandre,

    from what I understand, you want to only show the scene for the selected language within the course's menu.

    Unfortunately, I believe Storyline does not allow modifications of the menu while the training is being worked on.

    What you could do is closing both scenes within the menu (just open the "menu" tab in the "player" settings and klick on the small arrows next to the scenes' names in the menu). Then, you could open the "Advanced Options" menu and set the navigation restrictions for the menu to "restricted". That way, your learners could see both language scenes in the menu, but only access previously visited slides, which will all be from the language scene they've been working on up to that point.




  • Thanks for your answer.

    Is it possible to just show previously visited slide and not the whole menu ? 

  • The built-in Menu shows whatever you tell it to show when you adjust it in the Player settings. Storyline doesn't provide a way to edit the Menu in a published course. 

    You could create your own custom menus, but that's a lot of work. 

    Also, Storyline only lets you choose one language for the Text Labels. The system messages (e.g., warnings and prompts to resume) will always be presented in that language. 

    IMHO, it's better to keep the translation files separate. Publish each one into its own SCORM package. Here are two typical ways to handle choosing the language: 

    • If the LMS has the capability, put all versions of the course into one "curriculum" that only requires completion of one of the courses (that is, of one language). Use LMS tools to let the user choose their language.
    • "Wrap" the SCORM packages into one bigger SCORM package that starts with a page for choosing the language. A good programmer could do this. (Sorry, but I don't have any recommendations to offer for who does this type of work.)