Forum Discussion

LaurieGilmore's avatar
Community Member
9 years ago

Navigation Instructions

Rather than force every learner to listen to navigation instructions at the beginning of a course (that 99% of learners don't need), I plan to have a "nav help tab" at the top of the screen. I will include audio instructions in the beginning of the course that say, "for navigation instructions, click the help button at any time during this course."

Question: Does anyone have a favorite idea or template of a one slide navigation demo to share?  Don't want to reinvent the wheel wth this one ... thanks!

  • JosephFerraro's avatar
    Community Member

    We use a single slide for each module that contains narrated layers (or videos with narration) for Navigation, Resources, and Objectives.

    • Navigation covers basics like seekbar, prev/next buttons, and explains the menu.
    • Resources covers the actual Resources tab, as well as Glossary, Transcript (aka Notes) and any other bells and whistles added for additional content beyond what the module offers.
    • Objectives covers the topics for the module itself, and explains what is in each Lesson (aka Scene) in the module.

    I like the idea of having this somewhere omnipresent like a tab instead of on a slide at that beginning!

    • PritaPrabhu-5e9's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Laurie, I know this is really old. I was trying to access the link you shared. Unfortunately, the samples do not open. Will you be able to share the latest link if it is available?

    • StefanieRoden's avatar
      Community Member

      Hey David - Some of the content in the 20 Examples is no longer active. Can we maybe revisit this topic as a 2021 challenge? I would love to see what people are doing now.  

      • DavidAnderson's avatar

        Great idea, Stefanie. I'm adding to this year's challenges to update.

        And thanks for the catch on broken links. With Flash gone, it's been crazy over here updating, republishing, and even removing examples.

        I cleaned up the recap page and notified some users to update their projects.