Forum Discussion

FrankPietranton's avatar
Community Member
13 years ago

Need to Track/Report Quiz Results at the Question Level

Hi all,

Newbie here and very excited about finding this great resource for Articulate. I'm not new to user forums, but I am a newbie here! That said, I know that "search" is the first just spent the last 15-20 minutes searching for this issue and really didn't find the exact scenario/answer.

We use Articulate Quizmaker to test competency in various e-learning modules on our LMS (Training Partner).  Although we are able to track the "completion results", I need to be able to track responses to individual questions to analyze/determine if there are any trends (i.e. % of staff that miss the same question(s)).

Please keep in mind that I am a newbie at Articulate.  Can someone help me with this? 
