Forum Discussion

JeffBirkholz-67's avatar
2 years ago

New in Review 360: Request Review

Are you sick of chasing down stakeholders to get them to review your courses? If so, you’re going to love being able to request and track reviews directly in Review 360. This handy new option will you save time—and headaches—by eliminating the need for endless back and forth with your stakeholders about where they’re at in the feedback process.

Here’s how it works: When you open a course in Review 360, you’ll see an all-new Review Request button.


Once you’ve selected that button, simply add stakeholder email addresses, share any additional information they might need, choose a due date, and hit Send Request.


From there, Review 360 saves you time by taking over the notification process. It will email reviewers about your project right away. And if you add a due date, it’ll automatically send reminder nudges to your reviewers just before, on, and after that date if they haven’t finished looking over your course.

And that’s not all! You and your stakeholders can now easily see where everyone is in the review process right within Review 360 thanks to the status labels that appear next to each reviewer’s name.


So you won’t need to email stakeholders to check up on them because you’ll already know what’s going on. 

If you’re an Articulate 360 subscriber, you can access this new feature immediately in Review 360. And if you don’t have Articulate 360 but want to try out this feature, you can start a free 30-day trial. For more detailed information about this feature, check out this helpful article: Review 360: Request Review.

So let us know what you think of this new Review 360 feature in the comments below.

The Review 360 Team

  • Hi, everyone!

    On behalf of the Review 360 Team, I'd like to thank you all for the valuable feedback. Your suggestions through the beta program guided us to develop additional features, such as:

    • Allowing stakeholders to reset their status after completing a review for more flexibility.
    • Sending a request to multiple reviewers simultaneously by copying and pasting their email addresses in bulk.
    • Boosting the engagement in review request messages with a new text-formatting toolbar.

    Request review is no longer in beta, but we're continuing to gather feedback and enhance the feature. You can still share your ideas through this discussion or the in-app "Share You Feedback" link.

  • Is there a way to track when the status changes for each reviewer, like a table or something? Reviewer 1 status changed to Commented on this date, then changed to Completed on this date, and so on. This would be helpful for project management. Also, is there a way to lock the due date so reviewers who use an Articulate account can't change the date? 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Crissy,

      All good suggestions from you, but unfortunately we do not currently offer these features in Review 360. You can raise them as feature requests here to let our product team know that you're interested in seeing these enhancements in future versions of the tool!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello SibaPrasad Padhi,

      There's isn't a way to directly upload SRT or VTT files to a video that has been published to Review 360. This article explains how Closed Captions are added to Storyline 360 courses that have been published to a video file. If you need your captions to be visible in the course while hosted on Review 360, try publishing your course directly to there instead.

      • SibaPrasadPadhi's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Jose,

        This is not what we are looking for. We don't have a Storyline course. We simply want to publish the Mp4 video with the SRT/VTT file upload option like in Articulate Rise. We raised this request 3 years ago and still, this has not been implemented by Articulate. Hopefully, Articulate is listening to its customers and updating this tool.

        Best regards,


  • We are loving the Request Reviewers feature!  It's making the process much easier for all involved.  Is there a way to see when you sent the review request from Articulate?  I get the notifications for when the reviewer is complete, but I wasn't sure if it's possible to see when I sent the initial request.

    • DanBackes's avatar

      Glad to hear that you're enjoying the feature! Unfortunately there is no way to see when you made the Review Request at this time. If it fits your use case, you could ask your Reviewers if they still have the email they received when you initially requested the review. The timestamp on the email would be approximately when you created the Review Request.

  • One feature that I would love is the ability to reassign a course to someone after they have reviewed it. If we want them to review it a second time, we have to create a new review link. 

  • TexHale1's avatar
    Community Member

    This is a great enhancement. Love it.  I have one issue though and excuse me if I'm being a little dense.

    When you've made the changes the reviewer has requested, it seems you have to delete the reviewer and insert him/her again to let them know you have made the changes.  Why can't you just click on the space below the reviewer's name and send a new request to check the changes?

    It was possible to do that in the previous version, now the reply box is greyed out.