Forum Discussion
Return state to normal on a Drag & Drop question
I am trying to make a freeform which the user need to drag and drop item on a RNA structure. so I validated the drag and drop itens, but didn't linked with a right answer, because I need a multiple Drag and Drop question. So I used the state status to change to drop correct or incorrect. It is ok to do that. But the drag itens are keeping their last status when returning to start point when another drag item is dropped on(I activate the option allow one item on each drop target). so now, I don't know what to do to make them return to normal state eigther.
Someone can help me?? I can provide the .story if you need!!!!
Thanks in advanced,
Sara Faro
Hi Sara and welcome to Heroes!
It may help if you're able to share your .story file here as I'm not sure I'm following how you've set this up with multiple drag and drop questions, yet not right answers. Also, are you looking for the entire slide to be reset if the user answers incorrectly or just reset the incorrect answers?
- SaraFaro1Community Member
Hi Ashley,
Thanks in advance for your help. I want to reset just the state of the drag item.
I set the freform question to did not allow two drag itens in the same drop targets, and set the drag itens to change states to "drop correct" (green colored) or "drop incorrect" (red colored) dependly where they were dropped on. But when a drop target already have a drag item on it and I drag another item to overplace that item, they return to inicial place and keep the state "drop correct" or "drop incorrect", and I need them to return to inicial state too. I try change state to inicial when drag item dropped on X, I created a rectangle on the place hte drag item start at the timeline.
I can share my .story, but I don't know how I could do that.
Hi Sara,
Are you looking for the states to adjust when dropped or when submitted? You could delay their state change until after it's submitted - and depending on your navigation after that it may not suit your needs. Since the drag item is just being returned to the original starting point, and not by the user, it does trigger the same "drag" action.
You could attach the .story file here using the paper clip icon. Please keep in mind that the forums have around a 20 mb limit for file uploads, so if your file is a bit larger you may want to import out just that one slide and share it here.
- SaraFaro1Community Member
Hi Ashley,
I attached the .story file here, so you can see exactly what i am trying to do. In fact, I did not create a submitt button and neather use the submitt button of the player. As soon as the user placed the letters on the rigth gaps, the layer "ExercĂcio completo" (completed excercise) will show up to them. they don't need to click on any button. Could you see what I did wrong, or how I can fix this problem.
Please, if you think the only way is including a button for submitting so let me know how I do to states hold on until submit interaction.
Thank you so much,
- KevinDixon4Community Member
Sara did you happen to notice that if you drop your letters on the wrong spot you can pick them up and keep moving till they turn green. once you do this the other layer comes up
- SaraFaro1Community Member
Yes, Kevin. This is the alternative that I found, and I am using it.
But I think this messed up a little with the graphic of the slide. And turn it kind of ugly.
But I know that is a difficult, to don't say stupid question to ask, because it seems to be impossible to do.
I am still e-learning to work with this software, and just found out that it is kind of hard to understanding the possibilities and the limits.
I attached my .story in english this time. Maybe you will understand wht i am trying to do now.
Hi Sara,
I also saw that Mike was helping you in this thread, so I wanted to connect the two.
- KevinDixon4Community Member
It has a drawback that is only one of each letter goes in a certain box. you will see what I'm talking about when you preview it
- SaraFaro1Community Member
Hi Kevin, this help with the returning of the drag itens, but messed up when the user drag the item and return it manually for the start point. I think I will have to choose between one thing or another... so, as I don't want the letters to be colored at the start point any moment, I will disable the option "allows only one item to each target" and let the user put as many itens as he want inside the targets.
But I thank you all for the help.. I am still trying to solve that problem, and with your help it became less frustrating. LOL
- SaraFaro1Community Member
Hi Kevin,
just for your awareness, I used your idea with the hotspots and created many of them like a background. and every time a user dropped on one of them (or outsite the picture) the nucleotide return to normal state. I kept your solution to returning to start point items either, this is still working and I think I came closest then ever to solve this issue. thank you so much for your help and patience with me.