Forum Discussion
Rise - change size of headers and lesson titles
When bulding courses in Rise I've noticed that it's impossible to change size of the header space (top marigin) or font size of the lesson's title. What I woud like to do is to get rid of all the empty space between the title and the first block of content. In the attached phot I marked the areas that I want to be able to edit. The final goal is to avoid scrolling down the page when I insert a Storyline block to Rise or just any other block of content or interactivity. I already turned off Previous and Next buttons from navigation and removed all padding from content blocks but it's still not enough. Does Articulate360 team consider adding such functions for editing marigins? Thank you
Hi Monika,
Thanks for reaching out here! I know a few other folks have requested to be able to change the padding and margins within their Rise course, so I'll add you to that feature request! I'll let you know here as soon as I have any more info.
- LisaDonovanCommunity Member
If you can add me too, that would be great!
- RaquelGianfermiCommunity Member
Is this still not an option? When it is, i would like that as well. Thanks
- RobertKnightCommunity Member
Please add me as another requester.
- CassiusNetzleyCommunity Member
I believe I'm already on a request for this call for a padding/size options for the header, but this feature would be extremely helpful-- especially for mobile/tablet device based learners where the excessive whitespace is quite glaring.
- KimberlyWalk404Community Member
+1 Vote
- MichaelGuaglionCommunity Member
Another vote here. It would help a lot to be able to customize section headers, add a color or photo to its background, etc.
- DonYanaitis-6a8Community Member
And another vote for this improvement - see Michael Guaglione above.
- FonterraAccountCommunity Member
We also have a requirement for this. Is there any news on when it will be available?
Thanks, all for sharing how important this feature is for you. I've shared that with the rest of our team, and as soon as we have any info to share about this we'll let you know.
- SamSmith-af2f74Community Member
Add me - my client wants less real estate and white space at the header and I can't change it. This would improve typeset design hugely for me!
Hi Lisa and Sam,
Happy to add you to the list and we'll keep you posted here regarding any updates.