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MikeImage's avatar
Community Member
13 days ago

Scene Progress bars using javascript


I am using this JavaScript to control a progress bar "5xxf4t4A2ET" (from the Chrome inspect elements) below. I am trying to add  another progress bar using another element name "6PhUXotDWKQ".

When I add a second JavaScript to control "6PhUXotDWKQ", nothing works anymore.

What do I need to change in the JS so I can control 2 progress bar?

Source used for 1 progress bar:


const myDiv = document.querySelector('[data-model-id="5xxf4t4A2ET"]'); // "data-model-id" OF SL RECTANGLE
const bgColour = "#D9D9D9"; // BACKGROUND COLOUR.
const barColour = "#008A00"; // PROGRESS COLOUR.
const compColour = ""; // COMPLETED COLOUR (will not change if empty).
const borderRad = "0px"; // BORDER RADIUS.
const progress = "Topic1_Progress"; // PROGRESS VARIABLE (Case Sensitive).
const player = GetPlayer();
let scale = player.GetVar(progress);
let testElement = !!document.getElementById("pBar"); // Test to see if the bar already exists.
if (!testElement) { // If bar doesn't exist
    //Create the background element for the Progress Bar
    let bgBar = document.createElement("div"); = "bgBar"; = "100%"; = "100%"; = bgColour; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = borderRad;
    // Create the progress element of the Progress Bar
    let pBar = document.createElement("div"); = "pBar"; = scale + "%"; = "100%"; = barColour; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = borderRad;
} else { // If it does exist
    document.getElementById('pBar').style.width = scale + "%"; // Update the width
if (scale == 100 && compColour) {
    document.getElementById('pBar').style.backgroundColor = compColour;

  • Oops, you need to modify one additional line to make it work as intended.

    const progress = "Topic1_Progress"; // PROGRESS VARIABLE (Case Sensitive).

    For each version of the script (for each bar), assign a new variable name, if you want the bars to show different progress levels. Topic1..., Topic2..., etc.

    I mocked up a quick demo slide with 3 bars. Click to ovals to move the bars.


    I attached the .story file.

    Note, there are a number of ways to improve this code to make it more flexible, and also make it so you only need one version on the master slide to handle any number of bars. Just switch out some of the static variables with Storyline variables and set those before triggering the script.


  • What does "nothing works" mean exactly. I haven't had time to test, but it may be because this is checking for an existing progress bar with the fixed ID of "pBar". Trying to use this code to add a second bar will still find the first bar with this ID label. You also have conflicting "bgBar" ids. Maybe try appending the data-model-id that you are specifying in the first line to the end of the "pBar"  and "bgBar" strings, so it remains unique.

    Try changing the beginning like this:

    const id = "5xxf4t4A2ET"; // "data-model-id" OF SL RECTANGLE
    const myDiv = document.querySelector('[data-model-id="' + id + '"]'); 


    Then replace any "pBar" strings with "pBar-"+id

    and "bgBar" with "bgBar-"+id


    After that, you can change the id in line 1, and it will create unique pBar or bgBar ids

    Keep in mind that the data-model-id may get changed internally due to a SL update or some other circumstance, which would break your code. 

  • As an FYI, with the new community, we created a JavaScript group that may be a better resource for you in terms of getting JS help. 

    You can join the group here. join the group here

  • MikeImage's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for the reply. I mean that the JavaScript trigger 1 is working correctly and the Progress bar 1 is triggered. When I activate the JavaScript trigger 2, the Progress bar 1 and any others do not work.

    i will try your solution.

    • Nathan_Hilliard's avatar
      Community Member

      Oops, you need to modify one additional line to make it work as intended.

      const progress = "Topic1_Progress"; // PROGRESS VARIABLE (Case Sensitive).

      For each version of the script (for each bar), assign a new variable name, if you want the bars to show different progress levels. Topic1..., Topic2..., etc.

      I mocked up a quick demo slide with 3 bars. Click to ovals to move the bars.


      I attached the .story file.

      Note, there are a number of ways to improve this code to make it more flexible, and also make it so you only need one version on the master slide to handle any number of bars. Just switch out some of the static variables with Storyline variables and set those before triggering the script.


  • MikeImage's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you Nathan!!! You solved my issue and helped me accomplish what I wanted to do.