Hi, I've been having the same issue. I am working in version 3.28.18944.0 and save the project file locally and publish locally.
The issue has occurred with:
- imported pictures with other shapes stacked on top (as a group)
- icons stacked on shapes
- position of arrow shape in different states
The arrow issue I fix by editing the state again to place them in their correct positions (the position has shifted unpredictably twice). The arrow has two states, with the second state flipping the arrow to point in the opposite direction. When I am editing the states, I have both arrows aligned for a seamless flip; the x,y position for both are identical. Yet, when the state changes in preview mode and when published there still appears to be a small shift in position.
In terms of the stacked image/shapes I end up having to position it off kilter in edit mode (shown in attachment) to try have it align in preview mode and when published.
I have attached a screen shot in edit mode and preview mode. It's the grey circles behind the icon/oval shape that shifts.
n.b I did realise that the picture that I imported was from my onedrive folder. I saved a copy locally and replaced the images with the local file but still have the same issue.