Forum Discussion
Snake and Ladders Game with Questions- Keeping the Player on the last position rolled
I'm using the Snake and Ladders game that I downloaded from Articulate's website to make a course fun. I'm struggling with identifying what is resetting the players to the Start position after each quesion. I want the user (Player 2) to roll the dice for themselves and the computer player (Sir Hiss- who is Player 1) and move to appointed square for each of them. That's working. Then, go to a question and answer it. If they get the answer correct, it will jump back to the boardgame with the players in the same position from the last roll. They roll the dice again for each player and move to the next play. This is where I'm struggling as it's resetting both players to the Start position. I know the ncheck = number rolled on the dice, nMove counts the blocks moved and moves it, and the 1Position keeps count of the spaces moved according to Sir Hiss roll of the dice, and 2Postion keeps count of the spaces moved according to Player 1's roll of the dice. My question is what do I adjust to keep each player piece on the square that was last played inbetween questions? For convenience, I have uploaded the Storyline course to be reviewed. I appreciate any assistance! Thank you!
- RussellKillips-Community Member
Hi Cyndie,
For the slide properties, change when revisiting to "Resume saved state".