Forum Discussion
Storyline 3 : How to convert PNG files to JPEG
When publishing My Storyline courses on HTML5 format, I am having an issue with pictures that are displayed after a couple of seconds.
Looking at the published folder nearly all pictures in my course are being created as png files. And those files, even in low resolution are quite large.
For the same file: file size is 957Ko as png and 107Ko as jpeg.
I would like to have all my pictures created as jpeg files while publishing. Is this existing? If not can this be included for future developpement?
- MartinIwinskiCommunity Member
Yes, we have the same problem as Julien at our company. When we use Storyline 360 and publish content to HTML5 with Flash backup, Storyline publishes the content very innefficiently by converting ALL images into PNG's.
Problem with all PNG's is that the compression is non-existant and photos end up being almost 10x more kilobytes than of a JPEG image file (which is compressed). It would be nice to be able to have Storyline automatically know which files are photos and which ones are icons and less complex graphics, then choose the type of graphic export type.
Our course load times suffer because of these innefficient photo exports in Storyline 360. If there could be an update to get Storyline to export photos in JPEG format (with adjustable compression), that would be a HUGE help.
Hi Martin,
I took a look at your case, and saw that Renato also published your files but that they still had the JPEG files in the published output? Did you see his last response? It was on February 16th. Let me know and I'm happy to resend and Renato can keep working with you!
- MartinIwinskiCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
I didn't see Renato's response or published outputs with JPEG images in them. When I published, everything in HTML5 is defaulted to PNG images - including photographs, which is very innefficient and takes up unnecessary bandwidth.
Hi Martin,
I'll resend the email to you - keep an eye out for an email from!
- MartinIwinskiCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for following up. I did take a look at the file and saw that photos were in their proper JPEG format. I tried publishing from my storyline with local files and I did see JPEG's as per Renato's published files.
Thanks for following up!
- BobODonnellCommunity Member
Quick question on a comment Alyssa made earlier in this post.... " the resolution at which we publish PNG files has changed for the HTML5 player". Can you guys give me some details on that? It would be good to know for development purposes.
Hi Bob. Sorry we missed this comment! Basically, we're now doubling the sizes of images so that they display at proper resolution on high-DPI monitors.
- tedpodhorcer-44Community Member
Has this issue ever been resolved. We are inserting JPG files into our course and they are being converted to very large PNG files. How can I prevent this from happening??
Hi there, Ted. In Martin's case, when he published his file to his local drive, his files were not converted to PNGs. Can you confirm...
- if you're saving and publishing locally to your C: drive?
- what your publishing format is (e.g. for web, HTML5 / Flash)?
If you can share your .story file here, I'm happy to test and see what's happening!
- tedpodhorcer-44Community Member
I am publishing for LMS
With HTML5 only option
- PrimoAprileCommunity Member
I'm having trouble with jpeg files converted to png files in the scorm output, This issue increase the size of images and it's a big problem for me. What can I do to avoid the conversion? I need only jpeg files (I'm using the last version of Storyline 360). Welcome, Primo. Happy to help investigate!
A few questions to help us narrow down why Storyline is converting .jpeg files to .png ones:
- Does this happen with any project or a particular one?
- Are you working on a local C: drive?
- Which Publish Format are you using?
Additionally, would you mind sharing your .story file so I can try to replicate the behavior? You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by using this upload link. I'll delete it after troubleshooting.
- PrimoAprileCommunity Member
Thank you, I sent you the file privately.
This situation is happening with other projects. The .story file is stored locally, while the images are in other hard drive (could be this a problem?).
I tried the web and scorm 1.2 publishing format.
Thank you for the support!
Thanks for sending your file in, Primo. I'll be in touch with my findings; keep an eye out for an email from me shortly!