Forum Discussion
Storyline block autoplay in Rise
I'm having an issue with Rise. As others on the discussions have reported, when you embed a Storyline file in a block, the Storyline file automatially plays when the Rise lesson begins. This is problematic if the Storyline block is not the first block in the lesson. The simple solution shared in the discussions is to add a continue block to the lesson right before the Storyline block. The learner needs to click it to open the Storyline block, and then it autoplays. This works well, unless the learner reloads the page. In that case, the Storyline file will autoplay when the page loads, as if the continue block was in a visited state. Is there a way to deal with this aspect of the Storyline autoplay issue in Rise? Thank you for any ideas!
- SteveFlowersCommunity Member
One way to handle this would be to add a pause timeline trigger at the start of the block and ask the user to click an object to start the block up. We've used the continue block and it seems to do the trick. Reload is an issue, as you point out.
- MaryBethFacciolCommunity Member
The pause timeline solution works well, even when reloading the page. Thank you so much Steve!
- NishaShrivastavCommunity Member
I had the similar issue today and I made 2 changes:
1. On the home page of the scene > slide properties on the left-hand side > Set 'When revisiting state' to 'Reset to initial state'
2. Into the Player options > Go to 'Other' in the ribbon bar at the top > Set the 'Resume on restart' option to 'Never resume'.This seemed to work for me.
- StephanieBro005Community Member
This fixed it for me! Thank you!!
- CalvinLo-9d3ce4Community Member
why is it that sometimes there's the dim screen with the play button and sometimes it's not there? i tried creating my own play button but when that dim screen happens, they have to click two buttons to play the SL.
Hi Calvin,
Storyline blocks with audio or video in the first slide won't autoplay in Chrome or mobile browsers. That's when you'll see the greyed out block and play button instead. For details on which browsers allow autoplay, check out this article.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
- IrinaPoloubessoCommunity Member
Dear Allison,
Is it technically possible at all to set a behavior for autoplay on and off, or it is upon browser to block it? It would be great that in some cases the animation would immediately start to play sparing a click of a user, but in some cases - on the contrary.
Is it controllable at the moment of course creation and publishing as HTML5?
Thank you!
- CalvinLo-9d3ce4Community Member
That's not the case on my end using Chrome. My SL block is just one slide with audio that autoplays till the end. Adding it to Rise, it usually autoplays on the first visit but when i hit refresh, it will show the dim screen with the play button.
for some reason, it will also not remember the state so it will always play from the beginning when i hit refresh or when i go back to that page in Rise. The slide in SL is set to resume saved state and in the player it is set to Always resume on restart.
- CalvinLo-9d3ce4Community Member
just did a workaround, i added a slide at the beginning with no audio and created my own play button that jumps to the next slide. it still won't resume to the last state though when i refresh the page but that's another problem. might be because i'm deploying it via web instead of lms.
Hi Calvin,
Hmm... I've never seen anything like what you're describing, so I think the best thing for you to do would be to get in touch with our Support Team so they can take a closer look. You can submit a case here.
In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!
- RamrajRaghuvansCommunity Member
I am struggling with the same problem. I have multiple storyline blocks in Rise with following settings in Storyline:
1st slide has trigger to pause timeline when timeline starts on this slide. It also has a custom play icon with trigger to jump to next slide when user clicks it
2nd slide onward, default trigger - jump to next slide when the timeline ends on this slide
Back in rise, we have to click on Play icon to start the timeline which works fine. The problem is that when user clicks on Second Storyline block's Play icon, the first Storyline block timeline doesn't stop playing. I have audio in slides so we hear audio from all Storyline blocks timelines. I tried using CONTINUE block, but it doesn't solve the problem. Is there anyway I can achieve this?
Also, I have observed I lot of people are facing the same problem. Why we can't have a feature to pause the timeline when user clicks outside the storyline block or similar to multimedia blocks where one video automatically stops when we click on another video
Hi Ramraj,
I would suggest restricting the navigation in the Rise 360 lesson so the learner cannot move to the second Storyline block until the first one is complete.
You can do this by adding a "complete course" trigger on the last slide of the Storyline block, then setting the Rise 360 continue button to "complete block directly above." This article includes details of those steps.
By requiring the learner to complete the first Storyline block before moving to the second, you can be sure the audio won't overlap. Let me know if that would be an option for you!
- RamrajRaghuvansCommunity Member
Thank you for your reply, but our courses can't use such restrictions due
to set standards. The users should be free to navigate to any storyline
block based on own preferences. Also we have to use multiple storyline
blocks in each rise lesson as per design.Please suggest other ways to fix it. Also it's very critical request for us
to publish our courses on LMS and we can't do it now because of this
problem.Thanks for that understanding, Ramraj. Storyline blocks in a Rise 360 lesson don't communicate or affect one another, so there currently isn't a way for one Storyline block to automatically pause when another Storyline block starts playing.
I would suggest a slide without audio at the beginning of your Storyline interactions. That way, you can let the learner control the audio experience in the same way they have control over how they navigate. Another way is to include a trigger to pause the audio in Storyline so they can stop and move to another Storyline block with audio at their choosing.I hope that helps for now!
- JessKnight-9a7cCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa,
I'm using a storyline block so that audio will autoplay. It's the first block in the lesson. I have a continue button at the end with a few blocks after the storyline block. The setting 'Complete All Blocks Above' is not unlocking the continue button. It only unlocks if it's directly after the storyline block. I have the 'Complete Course' trigger at the end of timeline in the storyline file.
I want to make sure the user listens to all of the audio while reading the text blocks after the storyline block before moving forward to the next storyline block. If I don't lock the continue button, it's possible that more than 1 storyline audio plays at the same time.
Do you have suggestions or know why the continue button is not unlocking?
- hazelBStaff
Hi Jess! Did you set up a Storyline completion element? Please take a look at the article here on how to set up the Storyline block to track course completion.
- PeterWard-c85b8Community Member
Hello, Alyssa.
We're experiencing many of the same problems and desire some of the same solutions as described by other posters above. I'm chiming in to let you know that, and also to share what we've experienced when trying the method you suggested above.
In theory, adding a Rise 360 continue button with the "complete block directly above" setting should work. However, our experience is that the moment the Storyline block begins to play, the continue button unlocks and allows the user to continue to the next section while the audio is playing. Thus, the next Storyline block begins to play and then multiple audio files will play simultaneously. This of course provides a terrible user experience.
Please provide these solutions:
- When "complete block directly above" is selected for a Rise 360 continue button, the button should remain locked until the Storyline block finishes playing
- If a user leaves a lesson and returns to it, all Rise 360 continue buttons should reappear to prevent Storyline blocks from auto-playing simultaneously
Hi, Peter. We should be able to get your continue button to work the way you need!
Try using a course completion trigger in your Storyline project, for example "Complete course when media completes." The continue button will respect whether the Storyline interaction is completed instead of just unlocking as the Storyline interaction plays. Here's how to make that work.
The traditional function of the continue button is to progressively reveal content. It provides pace rather than having a learner scroll too quickly through your lesson. Once a learner has initially experienced that content, the continue button remains gone so they can review more quickly if they revisit a lesson.
I understand also that your client requires autoplaying audio in your lesson, and that's why you're using the Storyline block as a workaround. If autoplay were an option in Rise 360, tell me more about how you envision multiple audio files would behave in one lesson.- When would each audio file begin playing? As soon as the lesson is opened?
- How would you prevent those audio files from overlapping?
This type of insight really helps our team understand design needs. Thank you!
Hi Ramraj,
Thanks for opening a case and working through this with our team. You're in good hands with Chino.
Rise 360 does pause audio or video files to prevent overlapping because those media files are directly uploaded to your lesson, but Storyline Blocks are handled differently because they have their own player.
Hopefully Chino can suggest a solution that works for you!