Forum Discussion

CameronRifai's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Translating Rise courses - HTML coding issue (nested ctype)

The issue is that our courses when we export the xliff and open in a TMS, has this within the HTML coding: nested duplicate/triplicate ctype attribute value ="x-html-STRONG" with g tags.

This may appear as:





We have a parser/filter for tagging the first instance of g tags, but for the nested examples we can't seem to find a way to tag all instances other than manually going through.


Is there any solution to this i.e. a regex that I can use?

Or is there a way to stop this being added in the modules? From what we can see we are unclear as to why this happens in the code from looking at the Rise module.


As an example we have used this, however it doesn't grab all the examples and we have to use XPATH too:

(<g id="(.*?)" ctype="x-html-STRONG">){2,5}(.+?)(</g>){2,5}

I'm sure there is a way this could all be done in MemoQ with the right setup.

  • Hi Cameron,

    These additional tags might be due to the option Include HTML Formatting being enabled when exporting XLIFF files:

    Try unchecking this box to see if it has the effect you require.

    Also, is this causing an issue with translation?  We were able to import back translation files successfully with or without this option checked.

  • CameronRifai's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Christopher, thanks for the response.

    Whilst that would have a great effect for the actual translation stage, we need to leave that option ticked so that when we import the translations, the formatting is retained. Otherwise it's a manual job to go through the entire module and edit the formatting, bolding etc.

    Whilst there's no issue with the translation when importing back (after translation), the issue is with the setup time required (ensuring all HTML code is tagged and therefore not included for translation). Currently the regex we use only tags certain instances of the HTML code, but not nested code.

    Does that make sense?
