Forum Discussion

FujiHuynh's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Nesting Problem


In this example, I created 2 slides. On slide 2, there are 3 buttons. 2 of them are nested inside a text-box. The arrows don't count.

Button "Click Here To Go to Slide 1"  does take users back to slide 1. Button "Click Here To Show Layer 2" is supposed to reveal layer 2, but it does not. And these 2 buttons are nested in the text-box. One works, the other doesn't.

Blue button "Click Here To Show Layer 2" which is not nested within the text-box works as it should.

Update: Please enter the edit mode of the text-box to see the nested buttons.

Could any of you please explain? Thank you.

  • Storyline lets you hyperlink to a URL or attachment from a specific piece of text within a text box. This is demonstrated in the attached file.

    Unfortunately, all other triggers automatically apply to the entire text box.

    Thus, to add a "jump to slide" and a "show layer" trigger to text within one text box, you need to add a hotspot (or a 100% transparent shape) over each piece of text. Then add the appropriate triggers to the hotspots. This is also demonstrated in the attached file. 


    • The advantage of using hotspots is that they are visible when you are editing the slide. But they can't have states. 
    • The advantage of using transparent shapes is that they can have states. But they are invisible when you are editing the slide. 
    • No matter which you use, they will likely have to be adjusted if the text is translated or revised. That's one reason I avoid "nesting" buttons within text.
    • If it makes sense to have the "buttons" in separate paragraphs, put the paragraphs in separate text boxes. Then you could add a trigger to the entire text box. 
  • I did not see a trigger for the text box.  But, you cannot select parts of text to jump to a slide or show a layer.  You can highlight parts of text and open a file or jump to a URL.  That said, the easiest way is to create a shape that coves the text you want users to click.  In the shape properties, make the shape 100% transparent. Do not select "No Fill" as this will not work.  Then remove the outline for the shape.  Create trigger for the shapes to either jump to a slide or open a layer.

    In the attached file, I left the outline of the shapes so you can see them.

  • FujiHuynh's avatar
    Community Member

    To Judy Nollet, Garth Yorko

    Hi, I appreciate your reply, but what you did was to add 2 buttons on different layers. What I wanted to do was to add these buttons within the text-box in its state. So I could move or change the state of the whole package. If you check the state of the text-box, you'll see the two buttons in there. I could create buttons like you did and group them with the text-box. However, group does not have state. Thank you.

    *Not sure why my reply got reported.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      Fuji, thank you for the clarification. 

      I have seen problems caused by inserting an object with a trigger into the state of another object. Usually, that was done accidentally.

      I have never seen such an object work. Storyline isn't programmed to recognize triggers attached to objects within the state(s) of another object. You'll also find that you can't edit or delete those triggers anymore. 

      As for your posts being reported: that sometimes happens if you enter multiple comments quickly, especially if the text is similar. Reported comments are still visible to others, though they are grayed-out and marked as Reported. The staff does review such comments. If the comments are within guidelines, the staff "un-reports" them. Otherwise, they are deleted. 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Fuji!

      Glad to see the community has been helping you!

      I noticed that you've also opened a support case being handled by my teammate, Mcgem. It looks like Mcgem replied to your e-mail sharing feedback on your design. We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.

  • With your setup, you can only change the variable value using the button or shape nested inside the text box and open the layer based on the variable value, as shown in the video example.