Forum Discussion
Wistia-hosted video not displaying via video embed
Normally I've been able to embed Wistia-hosted videos into Storyline using iframe embed code such as that shown below. However now it's not displaying in the Articulate slide. Instead, after inserting the embed code I'm getting a web-page error that reads "Navigation to the web page was cancelled." And when I publish the html output shows a blank page.
I've used embed code to Wistia-hosted videos in Storyline in the past with no problem. What gives?
Sample embed code.
<iframe src="//" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="wistia_embed" name="wistia_embed" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen width="480" height="270"></iframe>
Hi Darrin,
I'm not much of a code reader - so I wouldn't know for a fact that anything is off within your code, but I saw the same behavior when adding the code to Storyline. I'm curious if you've tried other Wistia videos or Youtube videos to narrow down where the issue occurs. In regards to being able to previously use the code - was it prior to a Storyline update? Have you looked at one of those older courses to see if Wistia changed how it sets up the embed code?
- DarrinHayes2Community Member
Could be related to a SL update not sure. Will do some more testing with SL and other tools
Please feel free to keep us posted Darrin!
- claytonharperCommunity Member
I am having the same problem, I have tried uploading a few videos as i need the scrollable videos seperate for teaching purposes. All i am getting is an "failed to open internet page" display inside my iframe??? please help
- claytonharperCommunity Member
here is an example:
Hi Clayton and welcome to Heroes!
I don't see any other updates from Darrin - so I'm not sure what he ended up determining in regards to how Wistia videos played. You'll want to be sure you're following the directions here in regards to inserting a web object. Also, that image shows it within your .story file - have you tried publishing and testing the published output within the intended environment to see how it behaves?
- DarrinHayes2Community Member
Found out the wistia iFrame embed code is missing the initial "http://
Beginning of incorrect Wistia iFame embed code for my example:
<iframe src="// code beginning:
<iframe src=" Thanks Darrin for updating us here on what you found in regards to the Wistia code.
- Darrinhayes1Community Member
Apparently the issue is Storyline doesn't identify the Protocol Relative URL that Wistia provides in the default iFrame embed code. Here's what I learned from Wistia:
The reason for this is whatever you're using to build the website the video is embedded on isn't capable of identifying a Protocol Relative URL (which is why there is no HTTP needed in the iFrame embed code). You'll need to manually add it in order for your site to process the video correctly.
So in order to correct it manually, you have to enter "http:" in front of the "//" that Wistia gives you. Not a big deal once you know the trick. At least that works for me.
- ArianaDuganCommunity Member
I found that I actually had to insert https: in the location that Darrin mentioned - just in case http: happens to not work for anyone else.