Medias in 360 - stockage space limited ?

Sep 01, 2021


I would have a question regarding the Review 360 app.

When we upload a media with the trigger function " Open URL/File" , once the project is published on 360, it opens another tab with a new link to view or download it.

Where this media is storage? Is there a limited capacity of media to be uploaded? If I keep the media link to use it as a hyperlink will it expire after a certain time? 

Many thanks for your reply, regard

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Air Formation,

Review 360 is a web app for collaborating with stakeholders on e-learning projects but not hosting published content.

Any files that you've included in your project are included in that package and stored where the content is hosted. If you have an individual subscription for Articulate 360, you have 150 GB of storage for Review 360 content items and Rise 360 courses. If you have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription, your team has unlimited storage space.