Creating A Self-Evaluation Quiz

May 25, 2021

I am struggling to find a self-evaluation method for testing. When the user is given a statement, they need to self-evaluate their answer in a Likert Scale type response. I really like the drag and drop feature, but it requires you to set a specific drop bucket for the correct answer. 

It would also be beneficial if each of the drop buckets could be weighted, so when they look at their score, they are given their self-evaluation score based upon where they scored themselves. E.g. Score of x means y.

1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Hello, Carin! 

The best way to add self-evaluation questions to your lesson is to embed a survey from a third-party tool (like Google Forms or Survey Monkey) using a Multimedia Embed block. 

Use this iFrame code format for easy embedding!
<iframe src="URL HERE"></iframe>

We'll let you know if we add a built-in survey tool in the future.