Rise 360 Code Snippet text colour

Feb 21, 2020

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the text colour for Code Snippets?

My purpose is to replicate the look of a command line tool we have which generically has white mono-spaced text on a black background. I can get the background black, but not change the text colour to white. 
I can do this effect in a normal text box but it inherits the course font rather than the mono-spaced font used in the code snippet and does not have the same effect.





5 Replies
Stephen Francis

You can do this by exporting the package from Rise, expanding it, and adding css to the <style> field in the index.html file and re-save. This isn't a great solution, though, because it means you have to edit the file and re-zip every time you export the package. 

In this case it's this css (for a black background set in Rise):

color: white;
font-weight: bold;