Rise on IPad Pro Chrome

Mar 18, 2019

Any chance that this is coming? Migrated my full development over, but Rise is the last piece. If we can do full video, vector and audio work, this can be done! Restrict it to the power house iPads.

10 Replies
James Lavis

Hey Allison,

Yes! But this is the difference. The new iPad Pro clobbers MacBook pros. I’ve moved over all development to this box. Editing 4K video, 1 gig AI files, no problem. A “Rise App” is not needed, but open the framework to safari or chrome mobile.


Note though: Puffin browser actually works. Tested edge, chrome, opera, safari without luck. Puffin allows me to author rise. 

Allison LaMotte

Hi Vincent,

I'm not familiar with Puffin, but it doesn't look like it's one of the browsers we support (see list). If it works for you, you could certainly try it but we wouldn't be able to help you with any potential issues you may run into.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Marc Koenecke

For anyone coming across this thread, please note that while Puffin works on the iPad there are a few glitchy things to be aware of.  It may just be the keyboard I use (but unlikely) but anytime I use the arrow keys to move through text in a quiz question it glitches and I have to tap on another item and then back to be able to edit the text again.
Hoping that Articulate can make the Mobile version of Safari work with RISE edits as I don't like lugging around a laptop, even an ultra-portable :)