Searching within Rise 360 Lesson Template content

Aug 12, 2022

I am head over heels about the growing library of RISE Lesson Template content. The quality is fantastic!

What I can't figure out is way to search for topics covered within each lesson. Is there a way?

I'll share two recent searches to explain how the search does/doesn't work for this, in case there is a way it can be improved. 

Example 1: I wanted to find content on the Eisenhower Matrix, but searching didn't find it. I gather that the 'search' function only searches the course titles. So, this search was a fail.

I thought there was a good chance that there was a module containing this, so I dug deeper. From scanning lesson topics, I did eventually find a lesson template that might contain it, and I was right, so I was able to leverage this content afterall (created a whole module on it), but it was a fluke.

Example 2: I want to find content on the Pareto Principle (aka the 80/20 rule).  Searching Pareto, Eighty, 80 etc. brought up nothing. So a search fail for me.

Try as I might, I can't figure out if there is a lesson template that includes this content. I'm stumped and will probably have to build it from other resources. I'll be disappointed though, if I were to find out later, that it is hiding in a lesson and I couldn't find it. 

Is there any way to search within the lesson content? Is this functionality that might be coming? Thanks! 

Search content lessons

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