Storyline Block - How to go full screen?

Jun 21, 2018

Hi All,

We are currently working on a short rise course that will have an interactive video element (added as a storyline block) but when outputting and previewing the course on my mobile it looks like this.


It doesn't full screen the SL element and leaves a lot of padding around it.

The SL settings are set to the modern player without any controls.

Has anyone got any ideas on a workaround?




28 Replies
Nick Soave

+1, 2, 3, and 4!

I find the lack of a full-screen option for desktop content surprising.

I have a TRY which necessitates the left-side menu being visible at all times. It shows fine on a big monitor, but in the case of a student using a 13" laptop screen, it is too small.

Frustrating that the playbar has a full-screen option in mobile treatments like tablets but NOT for a desktop Block.