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Storyline: Personalize E-Learning with Variables and Toggle Buttons

Montsea's avatar
Super Hero
5 years ago

This Storyline 360 template uses toggle buttons and true-false variables to demonstrate creative ways to personalize your e-learning courses. Learners can choose whether to include narration, background graphics, and photographic or illustrated characters.

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Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Looks like a great way to involve learners. How much additional effort is it to design e.g. a 15 min. wbt? 10% more? 20% more?
  • Ange's avatar
    Community Member
    Very cool. I am going to check out function.
  • Montse, another REALLY great example. It's so intuitive and what a great way to allow learners to become involved in their learning. Before I pulled the file up, I had the same question as Gerold. getting into it, I'm thinking that the heavy lifting is done on the first slide, then if you duplicate slide 1.2 as you go all of your triggers are already there. Right? GREAT example for us all. Thanks for sharing!
  • ronjjj's avatar
    Community Member
    what software did you use in order to make the text to speech sound almost natural !