
Video Tutorials

Overview of Importing PowerPoint


Save development time and speed up your workflow by importing your existing PowerPoint training materials directly into Storyline 360. Elements like text, shapes, and design themes will carry over, enabling you to work from your existing designs. In this webinar, you’ll learn best practices for importing PowerPoint into Storyline.

Additional Resources: 


Next Steps:

Now that you know how importing PowerPoint works in Storyline 360, it’s time to put those skills into practice. Here are some suggested activities to help you get started :

  • Activity 01: Begin a new Storyline project by importing the PPT_4x3_PRACTICE.pptx file from the practice files. Select all the slide from the PowerPoint and insert into a new scene.
  • Activity 02: Open Storyline_16x9_BEGIN.story from the practice files and import the PowerPointImport4x3_PRACTICE.pptx into your project.  Notice how the imported content scaled to fit the 16x9 aspect ratio?
  • Activity 03: Open Storyline_4x3_BEGIN.story from the practice files and import the PPT_16x9_PRACTICE.pptx file into your project. Now, try changing the slide size to 16x9 and choose Scale to Fit. How does your project look now?
  • Activity 04: The PowerPoint slides you imported in Activity 03 use a different color and font theme than the Storyline project. Apply your Storyline theme fonts and colors to your PowerPoint slides. If you need help with this activity, please post in the forums: and we’ll help you out. 
Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0